
World of work

1997/11/01 Mujika, Alfontso - Elhuyar Fundazioa Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

One of the objectives of Elhuyar Kultur Elkartea is to win the world of work for the Basque language. To achieve this goal we offer different services to companies and organizations of all kinds.

Tere Barrenetxea

Among the projects that we carry out, undoubtedly, the biggest challenge has been microplanning to increase the use of the Basque language, both from the methodological point of view and from the resources they need. In these micro-planning, a set of actions is planned to increase the use of Basque in companies with a high percentage of Basque workers. Currently, the methodology is contrasted and successfully applied in several companies.

But as in all areas, they have also been pioneers. We need some gift to be a transgressor in any field and in this area we want to quote two people.

Andoni Sagarna first. For new ideas it is not easy and has the gift of converting ideas into projects. And for people to get to work on a project that he himself has reflected there is nothing left!

To it we owe the first formulation of the bases of microplanning. He taught us the way.

And Anaje Narbaiza, second. This tireless Basque company ELAY has the gift of carrying out projects. And also the grace to present with ease what seems impossible to others. He was the first to believe that the paper project did not exist in a particular company, but in which he works, it was applicable.

Since then others have believed and learned and continue in it.

Gai honi buruzko eduki gehiago

Elhuyarrek garatutako teknologia