
Test tube liver instead of laboratory animals

2014/03/26 Rementeria Argote, Nagore - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Ed. Maggie Bartlett, NHGRI

The side effects are usually due to metabolites that occur during hepatic metabolization of drugs. Therefore, in the trials to overcome for the commercialization of drugs, the toxicity of hepatic metabolites is analyzed. Well, the chemosynthetic liver Biomimiks allows testing in the test tube instead of laboratory animals.

They have not synthesized an entire liver, but the equivalent of a group of enzymes. Biomimiks is a synthetic hepatic cytochrome equivalent to the structure and function of the enzymatic group P450 that influences the metabolism of drugs. With this chemosynthetic liver, an exact profile of metabolites is made, if in addition it is quickly compared with animal trials.

The chemosynthetic liver has been presented at a meeting of the Chemical Association of the United States, and although they have to continue to demonstrate it with more drugs, in some cases they hope it will replace animal trials, among other things because it can be one to investigate the interactions of the drugs that are taken simultaneously.

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