Box fish: great swimmer
2003/03/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
Scientists have shown that Lactophrys triqueter is much better swimmer than previously thought. Despite its apparent clumsiness, the water slides over the snare fish bone shell.

Boxfish swim in fast water and the swirls of water that form around the shell help them maintain balance. For example, if a stream of water pushes the fish upwards, the water swirl at its top increases. This swirl attracts the back of the fish and directs the end down, allowing you to swim more comfortably.
Therefore, its appearance keeps the secret of swimming in fast waters and now want to apply it to robots used in underwater research. In this way, robots will be able to adapt their trajectories automatically, reducing energy use and allowing longer exploration.

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