
A very special breeding

2005/04/18 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia

In the photo you have your mother and your son. The newborn is a very special female. In fact, the mother was born crossing a whale and dolphin, and it is the first time an animal of these characteristics has her child in captivity.

Birth occurs in a Hawaiian aquarium. There his mother was born 19 years ago, crossing cetaceans of the same family but of different species. He was called Kekaimalu and in reality they crossed a father of 4.3 meters long and 2,000 kilos and a mother of just 2 meters and 200 kilos. They also had two other children, but they have not lasted so long.

She has now been the mother of Kekaimalu. The puppy's father has been another dolphin and the little one is much bigger than a common clean blood dolphin. Soon you will be named and taken to a larger container. At least the caregivers will not miss you.