Eye, earthquake!
2003/08/06 Kortabitarte Egiguren, Irati - Elhuyar Zientzia

According to witnesses, throughout history there have been cases of this type, before the earthquake some strange lights have been seen in the sky. Therefore, even if it seems mysterious, this may seem something to think about, since it is possible to find it before a way of predicting earthquakes.
For this reason, experts have long tried to explain the origin of these lights. And in recent years, among other things, the FEMA agency has donated money to NASA to investigate those strange lights through special satellites. In various investigations carried out by Russian and Chinese scientists, the presence of infrared rays has also been detected in the days before the earthquake. Therefore, who initially thought it was a mere coincidence, has given much to say since then.
Now experts propose an explanation. Since pre-earthquake pressure is extremely high, insulating rocks usually acquire the status of p-type semiconductors, that is, holes are created positively loaded in the rocks. These positive gaps are capable of transporting electric charge. On the other hand, in the crystals of volcanic rocks are groups of peroxides. They break under great tensions. As a result of this breakage, the negatively charged oxygen anion is trapped in the crystalline structure of the rock, while the positive load or hollow is loose.
According to experts, the phenomena of infrared rays and lights can appear by two mechanisms: on the one hand, the positive hollows accumulated on the surface can be combined with the electrons forming a bond of peroxide that will release energy in the form of infrared. On the other hand, positive loads can be expanded on the surface of the layer, acting as an electrode. In this way, the electric field that accumulates in a small distance will be huge, so the air is ionized and the ones known as light or brightness of the earthquakes are created.

The earthquake is the movement of the earth's crust or violent agitation, caused by the propagation of waves produced by a disturbance at an interior point of the earth's surface. Although it is known today, until in 1906 San Francisco was destroyed no connections were made between failures and earthquakes. It was then verified that the shock was due to a 5 meter slide over the San Andrés fault of hundreds of meters. In addition, several types of skating were differentiated. The San Andrés de California fault is horizontal skating, that is, one block slides against another without creating relief. In this area there is a great risk of earthquakes that are waiting for what is now known as The Big One.

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