
Conservation agriculture in Navarra

2006/01/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Conservation agriculture in Navarra
01/01/2006 | Elhuyar
(Photo: archive)

In the semi-arid area of Navarre, where 57% of cultivated land is more profitable for cerealist farms than for conventional agriculture. This is the conclusion reached by agronomist Mª José Imaz Gurrutxaga in his recent presentation at the Public University of Navarra.

Conservation agriculture is one in which the land is not prepared or worked very little and, moreover, it remains partially covered with the remains of the previous harvest. Specifically, in the trials carried out it has been observed that the soil is not cultivated or very little is worked (up to 15 cm), being more humid than with conventional methods (up to 30 cm of tilled and dumped soil). In addition, this system also acts against erosion, as the remains of the previous harvest cushion the blows of raindrops.

On the other hand, the physical and chemical properties of the earth improve and also grow more worms, which indicates that the quality of the soil is good.

Comparing all methods, the researcher proposes cultivating the soil up to 15 cm, since in this way the presence of herbicides is not necessary.

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