
Irrigation with wastewater from canning industries does not affect the soil

2005/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

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Wastewater from the canning industries does not affect the soil and in some cases can improve its state. This is the main conclusion of a doctoral thesis presented at the Public University of Navarra.

The study designated and characterized three terrains located next to the vegetable preserves. Subsequently, the effects of irrigation of the wastewater of the canning industries on these lands were measured according to the dose received, the type of irrigation and the type of cultivation.

When establishing wastewater irrigation, three factors must be taken into account: the land, the irrigation system and the type of crop implanted. It depends on them.

These waters are not polluting and contribute to the soil organic matter, very important for its development, and other elements.

In short, this research shows that soil development is directly related to irrigation type and soil quality and, to a lesser extent, to water type.

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