
Stratospheric control

2001/04/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The European project Helinet aims to build a stratospheric platform that controls traffic, the environment (natural disasters) and broadband telecommunications services (digital television, internet, third generation mobile communications).

This platform, known as Heliplat, will be shaped like a plane, will have no crew and will fly at an altitude of about 17 kilometers above sea level. It consists of electronic components for telecommunications, remote control and telematics, electric motors, optical equipment and smart cameras. The photovoltaic cells installed in the wings will be responsible for feeding the engines and in the absence of solar radiation, low performance fuel cells will be used.

You will have an automatic landing system. So far, the mini-elites have been in charge of collecting this information. These new platforms, in addition to being easier to use, are cheaper, as they can return to the ground and be reused. They also leave no residue in space.

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