
Organic aspect of the inorganic compound

2004/05/05 Elhuyar Zientzia

Despite being composed of inorganic substances, it has been observed that a chemical compound can adopt a series of organic structures.

Several scientists find that a mixture of chemical compounds can adopt a cellular structure. Despite being formed by inorganic substances, it adopts various characteristics of organic structures.

In search of a balance, normally these chemical mixtures acquire a stable structure immediately. In this case, however, it has not been so and what is believed to occur only with organic compounds has occurred.

In the experiment, calcium chloride, sodium carbonate, copper chloride, sodium iodide, hydrogen peroxide and cellulose were mixed. A fungal membrane was formed in which the chemicals were dispersed and reacted in the created cavity. In addition, in some cases, these structures developed forms in the form of lobes and also saw cell distribution.

Instead of achieving balance, the process was maintained due to the flow of chemicals and energy. Researchers believe that understanding how this happens can bring new ideas about the origin of life, both from Earth and other planets.

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