
State-of-the-art conical range scanner

2006/09/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

State-of-the-art conical range scanner
01/09/2006 | Elhuyar
(Photo: CR Communication)

San Sebastián has a state-of-the-art scanner of the first conical in the Basque Country, located in the Digital Diagnostic Center of Paseo del Urumea.

This scanner emits little radiation to the patient and does not harm the environment. It uses new digital imaging technology to develop head and neck radiological diagnostic tests. In addition, the tool they have brought to San Sebastian has several special programs for its application in dental implants and orthodontics.

This new scanner has another difference compared to traditional scanners, offering the patient greater comfort. The corresponding scanner is made when the patient is sitting. Also, the duration of the test is shorter as a high-resolution image is collected in 20 seconds.

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