Communication and security
1995/10/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Mobile phone users know perfectly how easy it can be to manipulate this radio signal. As we know, there are many examples. However, the mobile phones that Siemens has just marketed have integrated a new security system called DECT. This will allow you to automatically analyze whether the user's numeric code matches the preset at the main control point.
Otherwise, that is, when the radio signal is being manipulated, the call will be cut and the danger will be warned. To do this, engineers who have invented the DECT system have had to do a great miniaturization work. In addition, few companies offer this service at checkpoints. In Euskal Herria we can now take advantage of this opportunity, as the company France Telecom has made possible the infrastructure demanded by the DECT system.

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