Electronic paper color
2001/09/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

E link from Boston has invented the first colorful electronic paper. As in the case of conventional pulp paper, the basis of this paper is reflection. That is, you do not need interior lighting to be able to see what is written, as with the liquid crystal screens (LCD).
To get a color screen, on the monochrome screen has been placed a thin filter of colors, as is done to get color LCD. With this filter you will see the red, green or blue pixels, even if the lower pixel is white. If the bottom pixel is black, the filter reflects very little light, so you will not see color.
Those responsible for the company have explained that electricity is only consumed when the image is changed on paper. In addition, if the image is created, the screen can also be viewed after turning it off. According to inventors, within two years this system can be ready to be used on laptops, mobile phones, etc.

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