
Hummingbirds are not giant flies

2005/06/29 Roa Zubia, Guillermo - Elhuyar Zientzia

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Many scientists believe that hummingbirds and insects use the same technique to fly. They produce the force that holds the body in the air by moving the wings down or up. On the contrary, other flying birds do not push when moving the slopes up.

However, it is not so clear that the colibries and insects use the same technique. Some biologists in the United States have conducted a series of experiments to try to clarify it, and according to their results, the colibrias do not provoke the same push as the insects when moving the wings upwards. Therefore, biologists consider that the most coliberic case is the medium. They do not fly like other birds, that was clear, but not like insects. The colibrias fly like the colibrias.