The clitoris plays important functions in reproduction
2019/11/07 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

A study published in the journal Clinical Anatomy states that the clitoris, besides giving pleasure, contributes to reproduction. In addition to the fact that vaginal lubrication allows the entry of the penis without pain, the stimulation of the clitoris causes numerous changes in the genital tract: improves blood flow in the vagina, increases the amount of oxygen in the blood, neutralizes the acid pH of the tract and causes changes in the cervix. The latter make the child have to travel a longer path, giving time to their sperm to activate it so they can fertilize the egg. According to the researchers, changes produced by clitoral stimulation make it clear that the functions of procreation and pleasure of the clitoris are of the same level.

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