
Pes rejuvenates climate change

2004/10/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Recent studies in the Alps point to the fact that the Alps owe their slender to the wet wind.

When the mountains stop growing, erosion is gradually eliminating. However, there are mountains that are resurrected and the researchers did not understand how it happened. Recent studies in the Alps suggest that the Alps owe their slender and young appearance to the wet wind.

The study of sediments reveals that the most pronounced erosion occurred 5 million years ago. At that time the ugly of Panama was closed, which increased the gulf current. As a result, it rained a lot and the Alps eroded very much.

The researchers propose that the sudden loss of mass pushed the mountains upwards, since the continental rock is lighter than that of the mantle. This has made the Alps look so young, even though the clash between Europe and Africa was millions of years ago. However, other geologists do not coincide with the conclusions of the research.

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