
Smoke-free fires

2004/08/23 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia

Gunpowder has begun to be replaced by compressed air to eject fireworks into the sky. This prevents the generation of fumes.
Fireworks shows are often blurred due to smoke. And if you adapt a cloudy night without wind, the smoke does not escape and the spectators hardly perceive the colors and images on the other side of it.

However, in Disneyland, California, USA, this summer they have not had that problem. And not because every night they have had a good time to see the fires, no. The problem is that they have started using compressed air instead of gunpowder to eject fireworks into the sky.

Thanks to this, in addition to avoiding the generation of fumes, the fires can be sent further without danger. Yes, they are much more expensive than normal ones. Since there is no fire to light the wick, each of the fireworks carries an electrical device of explosion.

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