
Wow and emotion, static electricity is the culprit

2005/03/20 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia

Today he was his partner, when he put his hand on my shoulder, and yesterday the car. I'm sick of cramping! Now, in addition, you have to pull the handle of the entrance door. That's it! Am I stressed? Or is it the fault of time? To know what happens, I've turned to the Internet. There I found the answer: static electricity is the culprit.
In winter the skin is drier, so we easily accumulate static electricity.

We all know the influence of static electricity. At the school itself, more than one would study what it was, and probably also do a simple experiment to understand the influence of static electricity, such as seeing how, after rubbing the pen in the wool jersey, it attracted the hair of his friend.

Despite remembering the phenomenon, many have forgotten the explanation, although it is not difficult. Simply explained, it is that matter is made up of atoms, while atoms contain positively and negatively charged particles, protons and electrons, respectively. In general, atoms have as many electrons as protons, so matter is neutral.

However, some atoms have great facility to lose their electrons, while others tend to take them. Among the materials of easy electron loss, people's dry skin ranks first. The skin, hair, wool and silk of animals also have the facility of losing electrons, as well as aluminum and paper, but not as much as the previous ones.

On the other hand, there are few materials that have no tendency to catch or lose electrons, including cotton and steel. Wood is also quite neutral, but if wet it is able to attract some electrons.

Walking barefoot is very good to download static electricity and not only for that, of course.

Electrons are also attracted to rubber and amber, and attract more strongly nickel and copper, brass and silver, and gold and platinum in this order. The latter two attract electrons as strongly as polyester, and more strongly than polyester, PVC and teflon.

Therefore, if you want to generate static electricity, just rub a material that tends to lose electrons with a material with ease for its administration. Thus, electrons from one pass to another and materials are charged. It is then observed that two materials of the same load repel and attract those who have the opposite.

In winter, wool and dry air jerseys

Knowing this, it is easy to understand why many people have cramps when touching something. The problem is that due to wind and heaters the skin is very dry. The skin, therefore, is charged with a positive sign, especially if wearing polyester clothing, since polyester takes a negative sign. This electricity is stored in the body until it is found static, any metal object or any other person. When touched, the accumulated electricity moves and a discharge occurs. Conclusion: a cramp is felt.

Animal leather, wool, silk and other materials tend to lose electrons.

The same goes for the car. The body of the car is made of various metals and when moving it is loaded as the wind gives it. Tires are rubber so you can't download them directly to the ground. However, when the driver drops out of the car, electricity finds a discharge route: the driver's body. Consequently, the sick driver perceives a calamity.

To be noticeable, the discharge must exceed 2,000 Volts. If it is visible it means approximately 5,000 Volts and if it has also taken out a blue spark has been at least 10,000 Volts.

What to do to avoid it? Moisturizing the skin well and wearing cotton clothing is good for avoiding cramping when touching things or friends. It is also necessary to avoid that the rooms are very dry, for this it is enough to open the windows if there is moisture on the outside or with a humidifier. Thus, wet water molecules neutralize static electricity. Barefoot is also very effective in discharging accumulated electricity in the body.

On the other hand, trucks carrying easily flammable gases or liquids carry a chain that reaches the ground hanging from the shaft in order to discharge electricity. They sell similar for cars.

Harmful to computers

Some computer components are easily damaged by static electricity discharges.

Although cramps do not like anyone, they are neither dangerous nor harmful. And the risk is not in contact with something charged with electricity, but with two objects of different tension at once. That is why inactive birds do not die
in light force cables. If a bird touches two cables or high voltage cable and a pole, it dies electrocuted.

That's why we don't have anything serious about touching something when they unload electricity. However, computer transistors are extremely tension-sensitive and a download of less than 200 Volts can damage them. Therefore, if someone wants to remove, change or touch the interior of the computer, it is better to download his static electricity by touching something metallic, for example. Also, before starting anything, it is convenient to check that the equipment is well connected to the ground.

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