Coffee with a drop of milk please
1999/12/01 Lorenzo, Arantza | Uranga, Ane Miren Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
One of the main effects of caffeine is the elevation and decalcification of tension. Therefore, by increasing tension, people with high voltage issues are preferable to not drink coffee. It also decalcifies that it produces an inappropriate means for intestinal absorption of calcium, which reduces the absorption of calcium from the body when drinking coffee with milk than when taking milk.
Coffee, on the other hand, seems to at first make the weariness disappear, but it only disguises it and later appears more tired. However, it does not affect blood cholesterol levels or metabolism.
In addition to people with high stress, pregnant women and those with gastritis should be very careful with coffee. Pregnant women should not drink more than two cups of coffee, because if this amount is exceeded, breathing problems can occur in the baby that is being produced and, although not confirmed in humans, mice are born without fully developing the limbs after ingesting many caffeine. People with stomach problems should also be very careful with this drink, as coffee increases the secretion of gastric juices and therefore increases gastritis problems.
However, take your coffee peacefully, although it influences some parts of the body and some situations, as it is not bad to take it in moderation.
So we enjoy coffee, both empty and with the drop of milk.

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