More than toys
1996/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The most optimistic predictions claim that virtual reality will not only change our day to day, but will become an indispensable tool. However, to be able to use virtual reality in any diligence it is necessary to know the consequences in the short and medium term.
This is the objective of the study commissioned by the well-known toy company Sega to the organization Sri International of the USA: analyze the health effects that virtual reality can cause in children. The objective of the reed was to demonstrate the viability of the new toy that will put on the market shortly, and although they have not given provisional results, the data obtained so far have announced to the toy a dark future.
In fact, Sri International has announced headaches, vision losses and abrupt behavioral changes for children who will frequently use virtual reality based toys. Although it is pending to see if these forecasts will be met, the alarm has already been lit.

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