
Place the costume and everything free

2005/01/27 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia

This image fish has the ability to change its appearance. This change of appearance makes it look like another fish. This is what is known as mimicry, which allows the mimetic animal to have the advantages of the other. They often look like dangerous animals and scare their enemies, although they are not really dangerous.

This fish, however, behaves differently; it takes the form of a benign fish. In fact, it resembles someone who eats the parasites of other fish. Fish is a fish that benefits others a lot and therefore always take it well. The photo, therefore, has open the way to approach the fish you want. So, but instead of removing the parasites as expected, it bites him!

Researchers have now seen that the honored fish costume dresses up those who want it, and depending on the fish around it decides to take one form or another. That is to have two faces!

Gai honi buruzko eduki gehiago

Elhuyarrek garatutako teknologia