
Ice revolves around the Sun

2004/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

A California automatic telescope discovers a large object orbiting around the Sun. The body is located near the orbit of Neptune, is rock and ice, with a width of 570 km. This is one of the largest objects of this type that have been found to date and have been called 2003 VS2.

It is located in the Kuiper Belt area, beyond the Neptune. Since they discovered in 1992 that it is full of small rocky bodies that revolve around the Sun, more than 400 objects have been found there. Remains that have remained in the formation of the solar system are considered.

2003 VS2 in resonant orbit with Neptune. This means that Neptune fulfills two for each orbit it performs around the Sun. In addition, this type of orbits allow to approach the orbit of Neptune without risk of collision. Pluto also maintains an orbital relationship of this type with Neptune, so the new body has been baptized as the Pluto Txiki.

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