
Salmon salmon

1998/05/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The living creatures of some Scottish lagoons are in serious danger due to the metals that throw salmon farms. The measurements made by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency indicate that copper and zinc concentrations in submarine sediments are very high.

350 fish farms distributed in Scotland use paintings with high copper content to protect fish cages with algae, fungi and plants.

The metals thrown by salmon farms threaten the inhabitants of several Scottish lakes.

Zinc, for its part, is used to galvanize cages and is also found in the salmon feed.

So far, the influence of pesticides using these nurseries has been measured and regulated, but on this occasion, the possible influence of metals has been analysed for the first time.

According to scientists from the environmental agency, maximum concentrations of copper and zinc in sediments are 30 mg/kg and 150 mg/kg respectively.

If we look at the research data, in one case it can be observed that the copper concentration is 725 mg/kg and zinc is 1.150 mg/kg.

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