
Reproduction of corners depending on temperature

2009/05/13 Lakar Iraizoz, Oihane - Elhuyar Zientzia

Pandalus borealis quizzes use water temperature as a reference to know when to put them, according to a study conducted in collaboration with others by a researcher at the Bedford Oceanography Institute. It has been studied when the eggs are laid and how long it takes the quisquilla to remove them from the eggs, and it has been proven that they are extracted from the eggs in times similar to those of algae bloom in the ocean. Thus, the larvae of the corners contain the necessary nutrients. But, as we have already said, the peas do not lay the eggs depending on the algae, but on the temperature of the water. And it is that the temperature of the water and the flowering of the algae go together and to it the quisquillas take advantage.

Image courtesy of: Thierry Gosselin

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