
Shrimp uses fluorescent signals to communicate

2003/11/14 Elhuyar Zientzia

The L. glabriuscula quisquilla uses yellowish fluorescent signals to defend its territory and protect it from predators. Experts already knew that certain terrestrial animals, such as parakeets, use fluorescent signals, but did not know that the same phenomenon occurs in the marine environment.

According to the researchers, in the face of a possible attack, the quisquilla adopts an aggressive attitude; it raises the head and chest and lengthens the appendices. In this way, it not only leaves visible its protective structures, but also marks that reflect yellow light and emit fluorescent light.

In the marine environment no signals based on color pigments are used due to the optical characteristics of the water. On the contrary, fluorescence is transmitted well, so the technique is useful in communication between animals.

Photo: Science

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