Sea Protected Area
2004/04/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

This space, in addition to the waters of both states, will host the waters of two other peoples, Panama and Colombia. In total, 211 million hectares.
But the most important thing in this space is not the size, but the ecosystem that protects it. This protected area will link the national park of the island of Coco in Costa Rica with the Galapago islands of Ecuador, two of the most important marine reserves in the world. According to experts, it will protect migratory routes of species such as the blue whale and others such as the leather turtle.
Creating protected spaces at sea is much more difficult than on land. As a result, the difference between the two is enormous, with around 12% of protected land territories worldwide, while in the case of the sea this percentage does not reach 1%.

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