
Plans to save the Dead Sea

2004/09/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The situation of the Dead Sea is increasingly worrying. In fact, it is constantly drying up.

The situation of the Dead Sea is increasingly worrying. In fact, it is constantly drying up and the ecosystems that have developed under its protection are disappearing with it. The Jordan River is the main source of water from the sea, but the canalizations and deviations made throughout history have made only 10% of the river's flow arrive today.

The Dead Sea is a unique place in the world. Therefore, the Jordanian government has launched a plan to save the area. Their intention is to bring water from the Red Sea. Technical planning has been carried out and the Israeli and Palestinian authorities agree. However, they lack money and ask for international help to achieve this.

However, several experts have expressed concerns about the conclusions of the plan. The water of both seas is very different and the nature of the Dead Sea can change radically if large amounts of less salty water are added. In addition, the work can have negative effects on the important ecosystems found on the shores of the Red Sea.

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