Sea levels rise, but...
1990/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
One of the most well-known consequences of the greenhouse effect is the rise in sea level. Estimates to date indicate an increase of one meter in the atmospheric mean concentration of carbon dioxide. This data has been questioned at the meeting that the North American Geophysics Association held in San Francisco last December. The climb will not be as large and will be between 0.3 and 0.7 m.
The causes of sea level rise are mainly the alteration of the ice mass existing in the subsoil, the alteration of marine water and the alteration of the amount of water stored in the subsoil. The modification of the first two parameters is the most influential. The new figure obtained is based on the new values given for both parameters.
However, 30 cm climb will not be joking. In fact, the shape of the coast will be transformed all over the world. In addition, salinization of aquifers, increased sensitivity to storms, the marsh will become sea, etc.

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