
Cliff Carnation

1994/01/01 Terés, Joxepo Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Hello friends! From now on we will try to explain the vascular flora of Euskal Herria, taking into account its most outstanding characteristics and singularities. It would be very difficult or very long to present all the species of our territory, but little by little we will explain the most representative families and the most outstanding species for one reason or another. We will also take into account the different habitats we have in our territories, selecting the most spectacular plants of these places of residence.

On this occasion we will explain a very curious species, the endemic Armeria euskadiensis, which inhabits the herbaceous slopes of our cliffs. The extent of these endemism is limited to the coast of the Basque Country, and Mount Urgull of San Sebastian was cited in 1895, which we can see today.

In our cliffs, where the mechanical influence of the waves decreases, the soil is richer, highlighting the presence of vegetation. This armory is found especially in this area of the mentioned furnaces.

The base of this plant is branched. The lanceolate leaves have between 3 and 5 nerves, being quite striated. On the head of an elongated stem arising from the base appear numerous pink flowers like a blood cell.

Within this genus, in the peninsula 54 species and 27 subspecies are known, of which 6 appear in the Basque Country. Taking into account all species and subspecies we can detect 66 endemism, knowing in our case 3 endemism. The species of this genus are easily hybridized, being taxonomically a genus very difficult to classify. According to studies conducted by ICONA, 5 species may be in danger of extinction.

On the other hand, in our situation we consider that this studied armory should be officially protected, since, despite being a unique species in the Basque Country, it is an interesting and localized endemism.

Technical information

Cliff Carnation

Family: Plunvaginaceae Species:
Armeria euskadiensis Distribution:
Marine oven:
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