Mysteries of the seabed
2000/01/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
From the seabed it does not cease to penetrate the most singular beings. These beings live thousands of meters deep, sheltered from the heat of their volcanoes. By not being able to perform photosynthesis (sunlight does not reach there), they directly absorb the minerals dissolved in the water. These sources of life, however, are highly toxic, and water is full of organoleptic compounds that are totally harmful to marine stars, worms or
native seafood. How can animals live there? British researchers have found worms and mussels in these areas capable of forming damaged DNA.
They have also found blind prawns capable of swimming hundreds of kilometers. Young shrimps have eyes and when they move in the bottoms they feed on phytoplankton, like normal shrimps. But once they arrive, they lose their eyes and feed on sulfur.

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