
Satellites Sputnik-1 50 years

2007/10/04 Roa Zubia, Guillermo - Elhuyar Zientzia

A proverb states that the longer journey also begins with a first step. And many say that's the first most complicated step of the whole trip. When you do the first, when you do it, everything else is to go ahead.

This serves those who have left home and decided to walk to South Africa, without a doubt, but not only for him, but also for those who wanted to go to the stars. On this space trip, the Russians took the first step fifty years ago. On October 4, 1957, the Sputnik-1 satellite crossed the portal of its home, the Earth's atmosphere, and entered space for the first time. What a historic day!

The truth is, he just pushed the end across the atmosphere. It was no closer to the stars than the earth's surface. We can also observe that we are celebrating the beginning of the journey to the stars without just leaving the Earth; we are talking about South Africa in our neighborhood. However, it is worth remembering the ephemeris, perhaps we will ever reach the stars.

NASA History Office

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