
Better insulation

2005/06/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

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Reducing energy consumption will pave the way for sustainable development. For this reason, the European Union aims to improve thermal insulation of buildings, those used in cold transport of products and those of cold and cold storage rooms.

The Development of Super Vacuum Insulating Panels and Product Integration Services project began in 2001 and has just finished. In this project, thermal insulation panels have been installed and placed inside a packaging. This packaging includes several layers of plastic and a vacuum sealing.

With this packaging is achieved between 5 and 7 times more insulation. In addition, it is not necessary, as in the conventional method, to increase the thickness of the insulation layer to improve insulation or decrease the volume of the element to be transported or stored.

Specifically, GAIKER has participated in the consortium that investigates how to recycle new VIP isolates. On the one hand, the steps to be taken for the recycling of both surplus materials and defective products used in the manufacture of insulation have been fixed, and on the other hand, it has been investigated how the products that have used these insulation should be recycled and that have reached the end of their useful life.