For the awakened heritage
1993/08/01 Sibers, Jean-François Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
Abbadia... on a cold paper
Finca and castle classified in 1984 Hendaia
(64). Tel.
Owner: Academia de Ciencias y Conservatorio de Litoral:
Municipality of Hendaia
Architecture: PARENT; VIOLLET-LE-<UNK> area
decoration: DUTHOITPaissaism:
Created by: Antoine Abbadia (1810-1897).Astrophysicist.
in magnetism.Explorer and Ethiopian map.President of the
Academy of Sciences. Linguist: amharera
(Ethiopia) and euskara (Euskal Herria).Creator of
Floral Games, patron.

Since 1986, the Association “Adixkideak de Abbadia” offers courses of Heritage and Artistic Initiation, as well as for teachers, artists and cultural and tourist promoters.
More than 50,000 free visitors on the annual estate.
Guided tours by the conservatory expert.
Nursery of ancient and native species, where courses of pruning and grafting are held; diffusion of plants.
Castle for heritage courses, open to CM2 students of Hendaia (11 years) and two groups of 20 people per week pre-enrolled.
Here you have the business card, the technical card, the cold paper turned into the corpse of the heritage.
Abbadia... the beautiful Loti of the forest
Thanks to a donation with appropriate clauses, the castle has had neighbors. Until 1975, as an astronomical center, it has been far from profound transformations. Furniture, packaging and home fabrics and canvases are also intact. There are the turutas, hanging from the acoustic ropes and the elevator used by the servants of waitresses to climb and lower boats from the kitchen to the kitchen.
During the construction period the farm has remained intact and protected plant and animal species have been analyzed.
It is a curious example of “heritage hibernation”. It was enough not to become a museum in the castle and the estate, but the XIX. has not had enough people to alter habitats and environments such as the 21st century.
Surrounded by good and careful views, the beautiful loti hides at the bottom of the forest.
We present you the sentimental card, the hidden treasure, the legacy.
Abbadia... with a kiss
Such a fragile heritage, with painted canvases and subtle orchids cannot be treated sharply. Fortune throughout history and the responsible and obstinate owners of the Monuments and Historical Spaces have preserved all their ornaments. Therefore, now it is not about breaking the heritage with the ruinous conquest. Let's wake up the glory, but with a kiss.
Children, teachers, artists, etc. look, listen, walk slowly, touch and smell. What has created desire? Animal sculptures? The frescoes of Ethiopia? Rabbits revolts and crab journeys? Naughty stone sculptures? Field mist?
Any search carried out by the port, road or drawbridge in the municipality of Patrimonio is good, because if you go any way takes you to others: the frescoes and decorative motifs take us to Ethiopia, orientalism, architectural chromatism... Almost fifty courses and other projects. Each element of heritage is a prism that reflects the whole, mobile in time, variable according to the approach. In short, it is life.
Each learning, each research group of children and adults, has its objectives: our mission is to relate adequately with the desire to learn to communicate the heritage issue, to master the technique of artistic expression or to situate oneself in space.
The complicity between educators, artists and heritage experts creates a special atmosphere in the stays in Abbadia, which are similar to tailored costumes.
We present you the desire card, the secret kiss sought and found, a strong heritage aspiration.
Abbadia... wife
Children invent a poem or make a movie, build an architecture game, play theater, think music or flower game. From the heritage course to the art initiation class and the science class there is little space and there are many displacements.
Creativity and execution are more than just a set of acquaintances. It is to shape; for me, I and I, as a man or woman of today, to convert the heritage into myself.
Abbadia is too fragile to stay open for a long time as the cathedral of Baiona or the Old Hospital of Irisarri. But what we can do is awaken the passion of the “amateur” who will love Abbadia, turning her into a child and looking attentively at all that is heritage from there.
Fifty heritage classes, works exhibited in Baiona, Anglet or Paris, ideas, films, artists or promoters of musical works, are the spouses of Abbadia, the parents of children.
We attach the marriage card to you. The work of the past has become a work of today. Heritage, such as the bow and arrow, is a backward bow and an advancing arrow.
Abbadia... a good hospitality
The Basque heritage of Abbadia is a monument of syncretism: fourteen languages on the walls and two religions, plants from all over the world, migratory birds from all over Europe, neo-Gothic exterior and exotic interior, astronomical laboratory and a magnificent chapel.
Instead of measuring heritage according to one's own knowledge, limiting oneself to a terrain, anchoring oneself and reducing oneself to a settled object and becoming independent due to lack of openness, one must imitate Abbadia's nursery, accepting friends and friends of friends. Artists, professors, experts and institutions (D.R.A.C; C.A.U.E; F.F.C.O; D.I.R.E.N; C.N.U.E; Better understanding of the Basque environment; LaueS.S Museum; Better.
That is why we congratulate the Basque Institute of Culture for its initiative to hold meetings and propose to work in joint actions for the “heritage in progress” meetings.
The beautiful Inn reminds the Basque teacher, linguist and patron through his Ethiopia. He built his true Basque legacy with the Parisian Violet-le-Duc and the Nordic Duthoit and Bühler.
We are also part of the Italy of Herculaneum and Pompey, which has much to do with our frescoes and funeral rites.
With the Costa Consortium we are also consolidating the residence of artists in Abbadia. Today is the heritage that is created for tomorrow.
Here is the master card, with open arms, the heritage as symbolic oak, rooted in its territory, deeply extended in the cultures of the world, inventing today a new way of being Basque.

Visit to Abbadia Castle
From April to June
and from September to October.
On phones 59201079 and 59201587 (Hendaia).Price:
20 pounds.
Visit to the Abbadia Area (Conservatory
of fauna, flora, geology, history, architecture and coasts)
July and August: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday: 9.30.Rest of
months: last Sunday of the month at 9.30 hours. Meeting place: Larretxea.Price:
10 pounds (under 15 years free).
Abbadia y naturales.July and August 10 to 13
and 15 to 19h.Rest of months: Monday to Saturday 15
to 18h.Meeting
In addition, Abbadian offers courses on fruit conservation and one-day or one-week stays for

Gai honi buruzko eduki gehiago
Elhuyarrek garatutako teknologia