Ads ateos Ads
2009/02/04 Carton Virto, Eider - Elhuyar Zientzia

The idea and campaign emerged in Britain from the hand of journalist Ariane Sherine. In June last year, Sherine published in The Guardian the article "Atheist, emadazu bostekoa". In the article it is counted that he saw a bus with a mention of the Bible on the road of work and the address of a web under the mention and once he accessed the web: In case of not accepting the word of Jesus, he threatens to burn himself in the fire of hell forever. It seemed unfair to see those who spoke in the buses against those who thought differently from them, but he did not limit himself to denouncing the action. At the end of the article he invited the atheists who were reading, who gathered 4,680 atheist readers willing to give five pounds, who were going to raise money to put an ad on a bus saying that surely God does not exist and to live in peace.
They joined Sheridan's proposal much more than expected and have already achieved six times more than expected. Finally, the first ads appeared on London buses in January, and from London they have spread to other cities around the world. They have become atheistic buses and I would like to see them in the capitals of Euskal Herria soon.
The ad has a playful and playful tone, but the message you want to convey is deep. And it is that building societies that guide causes and humanisms is nothing simple. But neither madness, and this campaign has paid the atmosphere thanks to action and also to reaction. On the one hand, it has given notoriety to the model of society without god and, on the other hand, the difficulties that are taking place have given the measure of what is missing to realize the states, schools and secular governments recognized in writing.

I, by chance, was surprised reading a book about God on the subject of the announcements of the buses, The God Delusion ("The Chimera of God") by Richard Dawkins. Dawkins is a zoologist, evolutionist and passionate atheist who has made a great economic contribution to the British advertising campaign. In the book, obviously, he addresses the subject of God's existence, and his approach is what I liked most. Dawkins makes it clear that God exists or does not exist from a scientific perspective and does so in the book. Consider God as a scientific hypothesis and detail arguments in favor and against its existence. In the first part of the book, Dawkins develops a solid argument, probably to show that God does not exist, and in the second he develops a hypothesis to explain why man believes in God.
Of course, among scientists not all put in the same place of Dawkins the limit of divine examinability. There are also many who argue that science has nothing to say about God, and they do so with great solidity. And taking into account what is the scientific method in a strict sense, it can hardly be claimed that they are wrong. But it is a shame to limit yourself to that, because you can say very necessary things from the spirit of method.
Published in Berria

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