They form the genome of Pyrolobus
2001/11/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Scientists from three private companies have concluded sequencing the genome of the organism living at the highest temperatures. Diversidade Corporation, Celera Genomics and Applera Corporation have completed the Pyrolobus fumarii genome. This will allow to produce pharmaceutical, chemical and agricultural products capable of resisting heat.
Pyrolobus is a microscopic organism discovered in a hydrothermal chimney at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. It lives at temperatures between 90-113 °C, the highest ever measured for a living being. However, the optimal temperature is 106°C, that is, 6 degrees more than the boiling point of water, so their genes have a great calorific power. This feature can be used for the manufacture of food additives for animals, agricultural productions and industrial enzymes.

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