Internet contact: virtual reality getting closer
2002/10/29 Orobengoa, Olatz - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa
The most studied senses so far in the laboratories that investigate virtual reality are sight and ear. However, a few years ago the tactical research laboratory was created within MIT.
In this laboratory, we are studying how the feeling of contact occurs in our body and how it can be applied to virtual reality. The software is already developed and in the public presentation to be held today scientists will show that it really works.
During the presentation, two volunteers who are in California and London will have to move together a cube in virtual reality. Each, besides perceiving the strength that the other exerts on the cube, will feel how it is.

The computer of each volunteer replaces the mouse by a tool that ‘returns’ the feeling of contact. The tool has been called Phantom. Phantom converts the information collected by the computer into a low-frequency impulse. In this way, the user will receive the sensations of what Phantom is playing in virtual reality. In the sample being held today, for example, volunteers will notice that the cube is made of rubber.
The main problem of this system is the huge amount of information to be sent through the Internet. The need to send so many data at the same time slows down the internet network, allowing for uncoordinated information on both sides.
Although fast data exchange is facilitated through the existing broadband Internet and fiber optic cabling, the two participants in the experiment will have to perform the movements very slowly if you want everything to happen at a time.
There are many uses that can have to introduce touch in virtual reality, according to inventors. It can serve to train professions in which it is necessary to be very competent with hands, even in telemedicine. In the same way, with this new technology you can generate opportunities of design, architecture or art today unthinkable.

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