The mystery about Nectocaris, solved
2010/05/27 Aulestiarte Lete, Izaro - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

One of the most unique beings found in the fossil quarry of Burgess Shal (British Columbia of Canada), Nectocaris pteryx, has been identified these days as a primitive cephalopod mollusk.
Although it has been several decades since they discovered their fossil, so far researchers have not managed to classify it correctly, since in these years it has been said that it has characteristics of arthropods and cordates.
Now, Canadian paleontologists believe that the study of about 90 specimens collected in Burgess Shale has managed to solve the “mystery.” They have come to the conclusion that the Nectocaris, of a few centimeters, is a mollusk of soft body, similar to the squid or to the corners, although it has only two tentacles.
It can be an important discovery to know the evolution of mollusks and, above all, the origin of cephalopods and their relationship with other types of molluscos.Photo: Marianne Collins and Jean-Bernard Caron

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