Induction cookers
1999/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

According to experts, it is the most modern, safe and suitable kitchen system. Cooking in induction cooker is very nice. Gas fire or halogen electric fire is faster and more flexible than halogen, but also the temperature of the food being prepared is perfectly adjustable, with an oscillation of almost a degree centigrade. If you want to roast the meat, fry the eggs or boil the milk without overflowing, the induction oven is the most suitable tool for this. Chocolate can also be melted into the pot without Mary's bath.
However, induction cooker has other advantages. It is very easy to clean and maintain it, it does not lead to headaches. In the pan the food is heated immediately, without heating the kitchen itself and also the energy consumption is lower than that of other kitchens.
In other types of cookers the food receives heat by conduction, but in those of induction the system is very different. It is the container itself that by means of the induction currents raises the temperature of the food. Therefore, the food temperature can vary in seconds. The kitchen is kept cold around the casserole, as it is only heated what is in contact with it. Therefore, there is no fear of burning your hand and nothing else removing the pan from the kitchen turns off automatically. Special induction cookers are also manufactured for restaurants and for those who have to cook for many people, 28 centimeters in diameter.

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