
By induction, owner of dreams

2014/06/10 Erik Armendaritz Agirre - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Ed. Andrea Danti/Dollar Photo Club

Conscious sleep is a special dreamlike situation. In these dreams the dreamer is aware that he is dreaming and has the ability to drive the dream. These are the main hallmarks of conscious dreams.

For some, conscious dreams can be just fun, but they can help post-traumatic patients. If the patient takes control of sleep, he can avoid situations such as fleeing from nightmares and ideas that remind him of the trauma he has experienced. Thus, it will suffer less emotional impact and help you heal it.

The researchers, to determine whether gamma wave activity was the origin or effect of dreams, measured neuronal activity to 27 participants.

When volunteers spent three minutes in the fast-moving phase of the eyes (called the REM phase), the researchers induced gamma waves of the brain at different frequencies by electric stimulation. Then the scientists woke up the participants and asked them about the degree of awareness of what they dreamed of. Everyone knew they had a conscious dream. The researchers concluded that conscious dreams were mainly produced by a frequency of 40Hz. The results of the work have been published in the journal Nature Neuroscience.

According to experts, the ability to dive into these dreams can develop through brain workouts.

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