
Some keys to hair growth, but not all

2005/12/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Some keys to hair growth, but not all
01/12/2005 | Elhuyar
(Photo: DAP)

American scientists in Maryland analyze the genetic mechanism that makes mice hair grow. Precisely with the activation of a gene, they have made hairless mice grow. This does not mean that burusoils have developed a hair recovery technique, but this research will help them figure out where they should go on that path.

A gene called Hairless is analyzed that activates the process. (Hairless means hairless.) This gene launches all the activities necessary for hair growth. Biochemists call this set of activities the Wnt path, a process in which skin follicles are continuously renewed. Continuous renewal of follicles is essential for hair growth. The operation of the Wnt is not entirely known, but the knowledge of the Hairless gene as an activator of this process has meant a breakthrough. In fact, they have confirmed that if mutas Hairless do not grow hair to mice and, in that case, they have managed to recover hair by repairing the gene.

News in brief
Anatomy / Physiology