
The Moon will cover Mars tomorrow

2003/07/16 Elhuyar Zientzia

Tomorrow morning the Moon will cover Mars. From here, however, we will not see the phenomenon, only in the Caribbean area. In Panama, for example, the Moon will cover Mars 90 minutes and in Miami 27 minutes. As for the geographical limitations in which the phenomenon is to be seen, Mars is affected by the Moon. In the rest of America you will see very close the Moon and Mars, and we nothing, because by then it is a clear day.

This phenomenon is repeated a couple of times a year, but the current one will be special, as it will occur in the dark and Mars is very close to Earth.

At present, Mars and Earth are approaching and by the end of August only 55 million kilometers will be, the closest to 60,000 years. This makes Mars appear brighter than normal than Jupiter.

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