
Total lunar eclipse this weekend

2003/11/07 Elhuyar Zientzia

This weekend we can enjoy a total eclipse of the Moon throughout Europe. The night of Saturday to Sunday, from 01:06 to 01:31 in the morning, if the weather accompanies, we can see how the Moon is hidden.

For the eclipse of the Moon to occur, the Sun, the Earth and the Moon must be aligned in a certain way, that is, the Moon moves and is hidden by the cone of the shadow that projects the Earth in space.

However, the full moon of Saturday will not become invisible and on the edge will be brighter than in the center. In fact, the atmosphere diverts part of the light from the Sun, especially the red one, and this is reflected on the Moon.

Although this phenomenon can be observed from anywhere, the Department of Astronomy of the Aranzadi Science Society of San Sebastian has organized a conference at the KutxaEspacio de la Ciencia Astronomical Observatory. The event to enjoy this show will be on November 9 in KutxaEspacio from 00:30.

Photo: Dennis di Cicco / Sky and Telescope

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