
Total Lunar Eclipse on Tuesday

2004/05/03 Elhuyar Zientzia

On Tuesday, over time, a total lunar eclipse can be seen from Euskal Herria.

Anyone wishing to see the eclipse from the garden of Miramon.KutxaScience Space in public observation organized by the Aranzadi Science Society. If the sky is clear, they will place the telescope; if it is cloudy, they will explain the eclipse in the Planetarium and try to obtain images from other observatories.

Tuesday's eclipse will begin at 19:50 in the afternoon, but the moon will leave at nine and five in the afternoon, so we will meet the eclipse started. However, almost the most visible part of the eclipse will be before our eyes.

A total lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon is placed on the same plane as the Sun and Earth, behind the Earth. When this happens, the Moon passes into space by the part of the shadow that the Earth makes and it eclipses it.

However, throughout the lunar eclipse the Moon is not completely hidden. The tone of color gradually darkens, and takes a reddish or orange tone depending on the conditions of the Earth's atmosphere.

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