
Fish with ultraviolet vision

2002/05/13 Elhuyar Zientzia

A species of South American fish uses the ultraviolet view to choose their partner. According to the results of two recent studies, the females of the guppy species are especially interested in the basins of certain species. Precisely, when guppy males survive under the sun's rays, females are attractive, according to Julián Partridge, professor at the University of Bristol.

Many animals, such as reptiles, amphibians, birds or fish, have an ultraviolet vision and many scientists try to understand the consequences of their visual uniqueness. In the case of fish, the ultraviolet influences their behavior. Depending on the luminosity of the water and the type of ultraviolet, the females of fish will approach one or another species of males. As a result, some species will multiply to the detriment of others.

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