Visible artificial eyes
2001/05/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
When the eye suffers damage, the first goal is not to lose sight. The second is aesthetic. With these two objectives, several Russian chemicals have found material that can be used instead of damaged vitreous humor. The main component is water, which is retained by a fine network of polymers, forming an artificial mood.

Vitreous humor is a aqueous, transparent substance that fills the eye. If an accident affects the eye and the substance escapes, the patient loses sight. So far, the only reason to replace the eye has been aesthetics, as scientists have not found suitable materials to replace it. It is a very elastic hydrogel, with 98% water and thanks to a fine network of polymers does not lose the initial structure.
With this material, transparent elastic spheres can be constructed between 22 and 25 mm in diameter, replacing the affected eye region. When dissolved in water, the material becomes invisible, since the refractive index of the hydrogel is similar to that of water. In addition, as the main component is water, it is compatible with living organisms. To place the sphere in the eye just make a small cut. In the trials carried out with rabbits, they have seen that a year after their placement, vitreous humor remains transparent.

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