Residence for children carrying the virus AIDS
1989/01/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
This initiative has been channeled through two nuns of great experience and experience in the field of aid to marginalized groups.
At the moment only four children are welcomed in the “Grandma’s House”, all of them abandoned in hospitals or public institutions.
For children who have antibodies against the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, in the first fifteen months of life there is still the possibility of changing their situation, since the antibodies that will disappear this season can come from their mother. But if after this period these antibodies continue to appear in the analyses, it is a sign that the child has “hooked” and has become a chronic carrier, with great possibilities of developing the disease. Children with AIDS antibodies are usually smaller than their chronological age, and their motor abilities are also very diminished.
The objective of the Grandmother's House, in the opinion of its promoters, is to offer these children an atmosphere similar to a normal family, so that so few children have received. Once fifteen months have elapsed if the child is still a carrier of antibodies, it is thought to continue in the residence until another solution is found to be more appropriate.

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