
Probe images Clementine

1994/09/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The Clementine spacecraft, two meters long and only 400 kilos in weight, is sending excellent images of the Moon. Images of the image.

The Clementine spacecraft, two meters long and only 400 kilos in weight, is sending excellent images of the Moon. The probe launched by NASA in January is getting high performance, considering it has cost 75 million dollars.

Next to the Galileo probe sent to Jupiter has been very successful this sent to the Moon. Galileo has been much more expensive and has suffered numerous breakdowns. The Clementine probe has almost all its functions. The only obstacle will be the inability to join the asteroid Geographos, due to the lack of fuel in the maneuvers of the Moon due to some programming errors.

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