I. Olipiada How
2003/06/01 Cancio Orueta, Leire - Elhuyarreko zuzendari nagusiaElhuyar Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
“What do you know about spiders?”
The website www.zernola.net started with this question. ZerNola Olympiad in October 2002. At the 58 classes enrolled, our pet Armix proposed a challenge each month and responded enthusiastically. We have had the participation of all parts of the Basque Country, Barañáin, Zumaia, Donostia, Gernika, Azpeitia, Beasain, Getxo, Ziburu...
In total, participants have responded to 6 tests and the last ZerNola test was put in April 2003.
There have been all kinds of answers to the tests, as the messages sent by the participants showed us: some were too easy for one and others too difficult for others. Opinions matched at least one theme: they wanted better prizes.

But don't think the prizes have been of such a nature. Based on the response to these tests, two lists were drawn up, the monthly and the general classification, as well as the Vuelta a Euskadi. The winning rooms of the month won a monthly prize: Gipuzkoa, your board game, CDs, books, videos, ... The winning room of the general classification has won a weekend in the hostel of Hondarribia, thanks to the support of the Department of Culture, Euskera, Youth and Sports of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa.
On 23 May we organized a series of meetings at the Science Museum of Miramón in which the participants were able to meet each other. After visiting the museum, young people from all schools played together.
Therefore, I. After the last parade of the Zernola Olympiad, we are preparing the next Olympiad for everyone to like.
II. The shot of the Olympiad ZerNola launched in October to start the new course.
We want to thank all the students and teachers who have participated and we hope to be able to count on us in the next Olympics.

Gai honi buruzko eduki gehiago
Elhuyarrek garatutako teknologia