The next call comes from Mars
2003/04/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

If the expectations of the European Space Agency are met, next year Mars will have seven simultaneous spacecraft: Two NASA vehicles, which will ship ESA, a Japanese spacecraft and two ESA spacecraft that are already in orbit of Mars. In order to avoid communication problems by receiving the data sent by them and sending messages from Earth, ESA wants to install an antenna in Australia. With a weight of 630 tons and a length of 35 m, it will be the main bridge between the ESA missions and its operations center.
With this new antenna it is expected that there will be no communication problems. In fact, each space agency will use different frequencies to emit signals. However, communication between spacecraft and vehicles will be more complicated, but they are already working to find a solution.

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