
Cold at the core of the Earth

1999/12/12 Kortabarria Olabarria, Beñardo - Elhuyar Zientzia

It is not too long that a report on the core structure of the Earth was published on these pages. This article indicated, among other things, that the interior of the Earth was still unknown, but that it was relatively clear that the core was very hot. A team of researchers from Johns Hopkins University has developed a simulation research project in which the core may not be completely hot.

The researcher has made a simulation of the existing conditions in the outer core of the Earth, the part surrounding the core.

According to the results obtained in the simulation, a fine piece of cast iron passes from the external liquid core to the iron core. This fine piece of cast iron would be relatively cold. At the moment the conclusion of the simulation is nothing more than a hypothesis, but if it were proven better the structure and functioning of the interior of the Earth would be better understood.

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