
Distribution of hominids and chimpanzees

2005/04/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

S. Semaw

In the Gona area of Ethiopia some fossils have been found that help to understand human evolution. Researchers have been working in this area for years, where there are remains of the first hominids of 4,3-4,5 million years ago. The hominid is the ardiphitecus ramidus, which is, according to scientists, the first produced in the human line in the distribution of the branches of man and the chimpanzee in evolution.

Therefore, found fossils are extremely interesting. There are about 30 fossils of nine individuals: teeth, a mortar, finger bones... The dating has been based on the argon isotopes that had the materials of a nearby volcano.

A. ramidus, despite his antiquity, has seen that A. Ramidus resembled today's man in many things, such as on two legs with diamond tusks, not V-shaped, like the chimpanzee. However, it probably looks much like chimpanzees.